Am I locked out?
I'm just curious to see if Blogger's outa-control spambots have locked me out, like they have so many other users these last couple of days. Not that I'm really complaining. Blogger is free after all. What that means is that GoogleCorp finds some way of making money off all this; and if they've managed to screw up and lock all these blogs they host, then they are suffering far more than I. Not that I can begin to imagine how they could make money off this blog.
Say, as far as content goes, how about that dork John McCain? Pisses me off, he does. Do you know what the Federal deficit is projected to be this year? $490-billion, that's what. And that's not including another $80-billion for the war in Iraq (what, that's not part of the budget?!?) nor does it include the Social Security surplus, which is ostensibly being "saved" in the "Social Security Trust Fund."
Now old Grampaw, he's proposing to hand out a couple more tax cuts targeted at people vastly richer than I ever will be: a 29% cut in the top bracket of the corporate income tax (estimated cost: $100-billion per year) and the elimination of the Alternative Minimum Tax (estimated cost: $70-billion per year). And then he claims he will balance the Federal budget by the year 2013. How? By getting hold of a line-item veto and vetoing "earmarks." And how much do all these "earmarks" add up to? About $15-billion per year.
In other words, that smirking jackass is getting in right up in my face and saying, "Hey, workie-boy, you look dumb! I bet you can't add. Here's one humongous negative number, plus two more huge negative numbers, plus a little teeny-tiny positive number, and it's all gonna add up to zero. Trust me." Uh, no, Hanoi Johnny, I actually can add. You're not "my friend" and I'm not yours. Go screw yourself.
Say, as far as content goes, how about that dork John McCain? Pisses me off, he does. Do you know what the Federal deficit is projected to be this year? $490-billion, that's what. And that's not including another $80-billion for the war in Iraq (what, that's not part of the budget?!?) nor does it include the Social Security surplus, which is ostensibly being "saved" in the "Social Security Trust Fund."
Now old Grampaw, he's proposing to hand out a couple more tax cuts targeted at people vastly richer than I ever will be: a 29% cut in the top bracket of the corporate income tax (estimated cost: $100-billion per year) and the elimination of the Alternative Minimum Tax (estimated cost: $70-billion per year). And then he claims he will balance the Federal budget by the year 2013. How? By getting hold of a line-item veto and vetoing "earmarks." And how much do all these "earmarks" add up to? About $15-billion per year.
In other words, that smirking jackass is getting in right up in my face and saying, "Hey, workie-boy, you look dumb! I bet you can't add. Here's one humongous negative number, plus two more huge negative numbers, plus a little teeny-tiny positive number, and it's all gonna add up to zero. Trust me." Uh, no, Hanoi Johnny, I actually can add. You're not "my friend" and I'm not yours. Go screw yourself.
Labels: "John McCain" contempt
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