
what could go wrong?

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Sunday, November 02, 2008

looking back

I read here that George W. Bush is unhappy about how uncooperative fate has tarnished his legacy.

Do you remember January 2001? Right after Bush and his staff moved in and began "restoring dignity" to the White House, staffers complained to the press that the departing Clintonoids had pried off the "W" keys from the computer keyboards. They complained and complained and complained; the fuss over the insanely trivial issue of the missing "W" keys went on in the media for a solid week.

At that time, the unemployment rate was 3.9%, the Dow was at 10,600, the U.S. Army was currently fighting zero foreign wars, and the Federal budget had a surplus of approximately $100-billion.

If anybody has a right to complain about anything, it will be President-elect Barack Obama, not that horrible malicious fuck-up George W. Bush who has deliberately left him such an unspeakable mess to clean up after. And even this late the Bush Administration is still sabotaging the future President; see, for example, this article about last week's incursion into Syria.

Now there's a nice "welcome" present for the new President: dead U.S. soldiers, killed by the weapons and fighters currently swarming across Syria's now unpatrolled border with Iraq. What was that about "Country First"? Oh yeah: hogwash!

It will take not eight years for America to recover from the malign idiocy of this Administration, but the next twenty years.



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